I’m going to just write a short post to encourage you all to keep on praying! I am not the strongest prayer warrior in the group, but I do know the value of prayer.

Two and a half years ago, my wife and I were in a bad car accident only a few miles from home. Our neighbors found out about it before we were even taken to the hospital. They came and got as close as they could to the scene (about a mile), and sat in their vehicle and prayed for us. Today, we are firstly both alive, and after much surgery (and still some more to come for my wife), we are both walking (not perfectly, but we can walk). If you saw the scene of the accident, and saw our pickup truck, you would not believe that anyone survived that accident. Now our neighbors were not the only ones praying. Throughout our recovery, there were many people praying that we would make it through.

For the last couple of years, I have wondered why God spared us – what purpose does He have for us? It is just recently, that I realized that God needed us here for our son. We can’t do much, except pray, so that is what we will do. I believe that God spared us so that we could walk this journey with our son, and as a result, have some experience that we could share with others in similar circumstances. Our prayer is that you will be encouraged by our site, by our posts, and by the song that we have recorded about our journey.

So, keep on praying for your kids! God will carry them, and you through this. I am confident of this!

We look forward to hearing from you, please feel free to leave your comments below. We will respond.

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